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30 Collocations With Love You Should Know

Spice Up Your Romance: 30 Essential Love Collocations to Use!

Collocations are words that frequently go together and sound natural to native speakers. They help enhance your English fluency. In this blog post, we will explore 30 common collocations with the word “love,” complete with definitions, phonetic transcriptions, and examples. Let’s dive in! 🌟

30 Collocations with Love You Should Know

Explore 30 Collocations With Love to elevate your English! Learn delightful phrases that capture the essence of love and connection.

Romantic Love 💕

#1. Fall in Love

Definition: To begin to love someone.

Phonetic Transcription: /fɔːl ɪn lʌv/


  • She fell in love with him at first sight.
  • They fell in love during their summer vacation.

#2. Love at First Sight

Definition: Instantaneous love felt upon first seeing someone.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv æt fɜːrst saɪt/


  • It was love at first sight when they met at the party.
  • He believes in love at first sight.

#3. True Love

Definition: A deep, genuine affection between people.

Phonetic Transcription: /truː lʌv/


  • Their relationship is based on true love.
  • True love never fades.

#4. Unconditional Love

Definition: Love without any limitations or conditions.

Phonetic Transcription: /ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənəl lʌv/


  • A mother’s love for her child is unconditional.
  • They shared an unconditional love for each other.

Expressing Love 💌

#5. Show Love

Definition: To demonstrate affection.

Phonetic Transcription: /ʃoʊ lʌv/


  • He shows his love by cooking dinner for her.
  • It’s important to show love to your family.

#6. Declare Love

Definition: To confess feelings of love to someone.

Phonetic Transcription: /dɪˈklɛr lʌv/


  • He declared his love for her with a heartfelt speech.
  • She finally declared her love after years of silence.

#7. Proclaim Love

Definition: To announce love openly.

Phonetic Transcription: /prəˈkleɪm lʌv/


  • He proclaimed his love for her in front of everyone.
  • She proudly proclaimed her love for him.

#8. Share Love

Definition: To give and receive affection.

Phonetic Transcription: /ʃɛr lʌv/


  • They share love through their daily acts of kindness.
  • Sharing love makes relationships stronger.

Love in Relationships 💏

#9. Love Affair

Definition: A romantic or sexual relationship between two people.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv əˈfɛr/


  • Their love affair lasted for years.
  • The book tells the story of a tragic love affair.

#10. Love Triangle

Definition: A situation involving three people in a romantic relationship.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv ˈtraɪæŋɡəl/


  • The movie revolves around a complicated love triangle.
  • She found herself in a love triangle between two best friends.

#11. Love Story

Definition: A narrative about a romantic relationship.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv ˈstɔːri/


  • Their love story is like a fairy tale.
  • The film is based on a true love story.

#12. Love Nest

Definition: A place where lovers meet privately.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv nɛst/


  • They created a love nest in their cozy apartment.
  • The cabin became their love nest.

Platonic Love 💖

#13. Friendly Love

Definition: Affection between friends.

Phonetic Transcription: /ˈfrɛndli lʌv/


  • Their friendly love has lasted since childhood.
  • He appreciates her friendly love and support.

#14. Brotherly Love

Definition: Affection between brothers or close male friends.

Phonetic Transcription: /ˈbrʌðərli lʌv/


  • They share a bond of brotherly love.
  • Brotherly love is evident in their interactions.

#15. Sisterly Love

Definition: Affection between sisters or close female friends.

Phonetic Transcription: /ˈsɪstərli lʌv/


  • Sisterly love is one of the strongest bonds.
  • They have a relationship filled with sisterly love.

#16. Parental Love

Definition: Affection from a parent to a child.

Phonetic Transcription: /pəˈrɛntəl lʌv/


  • Parental love is unconditional and enduring.
  • He feels immense parental love for his children.

Love for Activities and Things 🎨

#17. Love Cooking

Definition: To enjoy cooking very much.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv ˈkʊkɪŋ/


  • She loves cooking Italian dishes.
  • He discovered his love for cooking in college.

#18. Love Reading

Definition: To enjoy reading books.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv ˈriːdɪŋ/


#19. Love Traveling

Definition: To enjoy visiting new places.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv ˈtrævəlɪŋ/


  • They love traveling to exotic destinations.
  • Her love for traveling takes her around the world.

#20. Love Music

Definition: To enjoy listening to or playing music.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv ˈmjuːzɪk/


  • He has a deep love for classical music.
  • They share a mutual love for music.

Love in Daily Life 💡

#21. Love Your Job

Definition: To have a great passion for your work.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv jʊr dʒɑːb/


  • She truly loves her job as a teacher.
  • Finding a job you love is essential for happiness.

#22. Love Nature

Definition: To have a deep appreciation for the natural environment.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv ˈneɪtʃər/


  • He loves nature and spends weekends hiking.
  • Their love for nature is evident in their eco-friendly lifestyle.

#23. Love Life

Definition: To have a great enthusiasm for life.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv laɪf/


  • She approaches every day with a love for life.
  • His love for life is contagious.

#24. Love Sports

Definition: To enjoy participating in or watching sports.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv spɔːrts/


  • They love sports and attend games regularly.
  • His love for sports began in childhood.

Love in Arts and Entertainment 🎭

#25. Love Movies

Definition: To enjoy watching films.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv ˈmuːviz/


  • She loves movies and goes to the cinema often.
  • They bonded over their mutual love for movies.

#26. Love Theatre

Definition: To enjoy watching or participating in theatre productions.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv ˈθiːətər/


  • He loves theatre and performs in local plays.
  • Their love for theatre brought them together.

#27. Love Painting

Definition: To enjoy creating or viewing paintings.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv ˈpeɪntɪŋ/


  • She discovered her love for painting in art school.
  • His love for painting is reflected in his beautiful artworks.

#28. Love Dancing

Definition: To enjoy dancing as a hobby or profession.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv ˈdænsɪŋ/


  • They love dancing and take classes together.
  • Her love for dancing is evident in her graceful movements.

Miscellaneous 💬

#29. Love Letter

Definition: A letter expressing affection for someone.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv ˈlɛtər/


  • He wrote her a heartfelt love letter.
  • She treasures the love letters he sent her.

#30. Love Song

Definition: A song about romantic love.

Phonetic Transcription: /lʌv sɔːŋ/


  • Their favorite love song played at their wedding.
  • He composed a love song for her.

30 Collocations With Love You Should Know 3


Exploring collocations with “love” enriches your vocabulary and helps you express your feelings more precisely. Use these collocations to enhance your English fluency and connect more deeply with others. 💖

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Ezzeddine Yahyaoui

A Senior teacher who is passionate about making lessons your students love and that are easy to implement for teachers. Teaching you how to navigate your way through balanced literacy brings me joy. My desire is to give you the tools needed to move your students forward! I have been creating high quality educational resources, tech tutorials, entertainment and training sessions and serving education & learning since 2009.

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