One common word that forms various collocations is “ball.” Understanding these collocations can significantly improve your English proficiency, especially in conversational contexts. In this blog post, we will explore 30 essential collocations with ball. Each collocation will be accompanied by its definition, phonetic transcription, and two practical examples to help you grasp its meaning and usage.
Table of Contents
- 30 Common Collocations with Ball ⚽You Need to Know
- #1. ⚽ Play ball
- #2. 🏀 Shoot the ball
- #3. 🎳 Roll the ball
- #4. 🏐 Catch the ball
- #5. ⚾ Throw the ball
- #6. 🏓 Bounce the ball
- #7. 🎾 Hit the ball
- #8. ⚽ Kick the ball
- #9. ⚾ Drop the ball
- #10. 🏆 Win the ball
- #11. 🤾♂️ Pass the ball
- #12. 🏉 Catch a ball
- #13. ⚽ Dribble the ball
- #14. 🎳 Hold the ball
- #15. 🤾♂️ Lose the ball
- #16. ⚽ Ball is in your court
- #17. 🎾 On the ball
- #18. 🏐 Behind the ball
- #19. 🎳 Keep your eye on the ball
- #20. 🏉 Get the ball rolling
- #21. ⚽ Drop the ball
- #22. 🤾♂️ Out of left field
- #23. ⚾ A whole new ball game
- #24. ⚽ Ballpark figure
- #25. 🎾 Juggle the ball
- #26. ⚽ Drop a ball in someone’s court
- #27. ⚾ Take your eye off the ball
- #28. ⚽ Kick the ball down the road
- #29. 🎾 Pick up the ball
- #30. ⚾ Ball is in the air
- Collocations With BALL Table
- Most Common Collocations With BALL Worksheet
- Wrapping Up
30 Common Collocations with Ball ⚽You Need to Know
Collocations are a crucial aspect of mastering the English language, especially when aiming for fluency and natural expression. A collocation is a combination of words that are often used together, making your speech and writing sound more native-like.
Whether you are preparing for an English exam, aiming to enhance your conversational skills, or simply want to enrich your vocabulary, this guide is tailored for you. Let’s dive into the world of “ball” collocations and see how mastering them can elevate your English language skills to a whole new level.
By the end of this post, you’ll be equipped with a richer vocabulary and a better understanding of how to use these collocations in everyday conversations. So, let’s get the ball rolling!
#1. ⚽ Play ball
Definition: To engage in a cooperative activity or to participate in a game or sport involving a ball.
Phonetic Transcription: /pleɪ bɔːl/
- The children love to play ball in the park every evening.
- In order to succeed, you have to be willing to play ball with your team.
#2. 🏀 Shoot the ball
Definition: To throw or propel the ball towards a target, especially in sports like basketball.
Phonetic Transcription: /ʃuːt ðə bɔːl/
- He practiced every day to improve his ability to shoot the ball accurately.
- The coach encouraged the players to shoot the ball whenever they had a clear shot.
#3. 🎳 Roll the ball
Definition: To move the ball by causing it to roll on a surface, often in sports like bowling.
Phonetic Transcription: /rəʊl ðə bɔːl/
- She rolled the ball down the lane and scored a strike.
- The children rolled the ball back and forth on the playground.
#4. 🏐 Catch the ball
Definition: To seize or grab the ball with one’s hands, typically in sports.
Phonetic Transcription: /kætʃ ðə bɔːl/
- He dived to catch the ball just before it hit the ground.
- The outfielder caught the ball, preventing a home run.

#5. ⚾ Throw the ball
Definition: To propel the ball through the air using one’s arm.
Phonetic Transcription: /θrəʊ ðə bɔːl/
- The pitcher threw the ball with great speed and accuracy.
- She threw the ball to her teammate, who then scored a goal.
#6. 🏓 Bounce the ball
Definition: To cause the ball to rebound off a surface, usually the ground or a wall.
Phonetic Transcription: /baʊns ðə bɔːl/
- The tennis player bounced the ball a few times before serving.
- He loves to bounce the ball against the wall while thinking.
#7. 🎾 Hit the ball
Definition: To strike the ball with an object like a bat, racket, or hand.
Phonetic Transcription: /hɪt ðə bɔːl/
- The batter hit the ball out of the park for a home run.
- She hit the ball over the net with a powerful forehand.
#8. ⚽ Kick the ball
Definition: To strike the ball with your foot.
Phonetic Transcription: /kɪk ðə bɔːl/
- The soccer player kicked the ball into the net for a goal.
- He kicked the ball as hard as he could, sending it flying across the field.
#9. ⚾ Drop the ball
Definition: To make a mistake or fail to perform a task.
Phonetic Transcription: /drɒp ðə bɔːl/
- She dropped the ball on the project and missed the deadline.
- Don’t drop the ball during the presentation; it’s crucial to stay focused.
#10. 🏆 Win the ball
Definition: To gain possession of the ball, especially in sports.
Phonetic Transcription: /wɪn ðə bɔːl/
- The midfielder won the ball and quickly passed it to the striker.
- He is known for his ability to win the ball from opponents with ease.
#11. 🤾♂️ Pass the ball
Definition: To transfer the ball to another player during a game.
Phonetic Transcription: /pɑːs ðə bɔːl/
- She passed the ball to her teammate, setting up a perfect scoring opportunity.
- The players practiced passing the ball to improve their teamwork.
#12. 🏉 Catch a ball
Definition: To successfully grab or seize a ball that has been thrown, hit, or otherwise sent towards someone.
Phonetic Transcription: /kætʃ ə bɔːl/
- The outfielder caught a ball that was about to go over the fence.
- He reached out and caught the ball with one hand, making an incredible play.
#13. ⚽ Dribble the ball
Definition: To control the ball with a series of small taps or kicks, usually in soccer or basketball.
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈdrɪbəl ðə bɔːl/
- The player skillfully dribbled the ball past several defenders.
- She dribbled the ball down the court and took a shot.
#14. 🎳 Hold the ball
Definition: To keep possession of the ball without passing or moving it.
Phonetic Transcription: /həʊld ðə bɔːl/
- The goalkeeper held the ball securely, preventing any chance of a rebound.
- He held the ball too long and was penalized for it.
#15. 🤾♂️ Lose the ball
Definition: To lose possession of the ball to the opposing team.
Phonetic Transcription: /luːz ðə bɔːl/
- The player lost the ball after a poor touch, giving the opponent a chance to score.
- She lost the ball in a critical moment, which led to the other team’s winning goal.
#16. ⚽ Ball is in your court
Definition: It is your responsibility to make the next move or decision.
Phonetic Transcription: /bɔːl ɪz ɪn jɔː kɔːt/
- I’ve done my part; now the ball is in your court.
- The ball is in their court now that we’ve submitted the proposal.
#17. 🎾 On the ball
Definition: To be alert, attentive, and capable.
Phonetic Transcription: /ɒn ðə bɔːl/
- The new manager is really on the ball and has already improved the team’s performance.
- She is always on the ball, catching mistakes before they become a problem.
#18. 🏐 Behind the ball
Definition: To be in a disadvantageous or difficult position.
Phonetic Transcription: /bɪˈhaɪnd ðə bɔːl/
- They were behind the ball after conceding two early goals.
- The company found itself behind the ball due to unexpected financial losses.
#19. 🎳 Keep your eye on the ball
Definition: To stay focused on the task at hand.
Phonetic Transcription: /kiːp jɔːr aɪ ɒn ðə bɔːl/
- Remember to keep your eye on the ball if you want to succeed.
- He kept his eye on the ball and delivered the project on time.
#20. 🏉 Get the ball rolling
Definition: To start something, especially a project or process.
Phonetic Transcription: /ɡɛt ðə bɔːl ˈrəʊlɪŋ/
- Let’s get the ball rolling on this new initiative right away.
- She got the ball rolling by introducing the first topic of the meeting.
#21. ⚽ Drop the ball
Definition: To make a mistake or fail in a task.
Phonetic Transcription: /drɒp ðə bɔːl/
- They dropped the ball on the marketing campaign, leading to disappointing results.
- Don’t drop the ball on this assignment; it’s very important.
#22. 🤾♂️ Out of left field
Definition: Something surprising or unexpected.
Phonetic Transcription: /aʊt ʌv lɛft fiːld/
- His comment came out of left field and shocked everyone in the room.
- The news about the merger was completely out of left field.
#23. ⚾ A whole new ball game
Definition: A situation that is completely different from what one is used to.
Phonetic Transcription: /ə həʊl njuː bɔːl ɡeɪm/
- Starting a business is a whole new ball game compared to working for someone else.
- Moving to a different country is a whole new ball game with its own set of challenges.
#24. ⚽ Ballpark figure
Definition: An estimate that is reasonably close to the actual number.
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈbɔːlˌpɑːrk ˈfɪɡər/
- The contractor gave us a ballpark figure of how much the renovation would cost.
- Can you give me a ballpark figure of how many people will attend the event?
#25. 🎾 Juggle the ball
Definition: To continuously keep the ball in the air by kicking or hitting it.
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈdʒʌɡl ðə bɔːl/
- He practiced juggling the ball to improve his control.
- She can juggle the ball with her feet for several minutes without dropping it.
#26. ⚽ Drop a ball in someone’s court
Definition: To transfer the responsibility of action to someone else.
Phonetic Transcription: /drɒp ə bɔːl ɪn ˈsʌmwʌnz kɔːrt/
- I’ve done my part, and now I’ve dropped the ball in your court.
- It’s time to drop the ball in their court and see how they handle it.
#27. ⚾ Take your eye off the ball
Definition: To lose focus or become distracted from the main task.
Phonetic Transcription: /teɪk jɔːr aɪ ɒf ðə bɔːl/
- He took his eye off the ball and missed the opportunity.
- Don’t take your eye off the ball, or you might make a mistake.
#28. ⚽ Kick the ball down the road
Definition: To delay or postpone a decision or action.
Phonetic Transcription: /kɪk ðə bɔːl daʊn ðə rəʊd/
- They kicked the ball down the road instead of addressing the issue directly.
- The committee decided to kick the ball down the road until next year.
#29. 🎾 Pick up the ball
Definition: To start or resume an activity or task that was previously halted.
Phonetic Transcription: /pɪk ʌp ðə bɔːl/
- After the holiday, it’s time to pick up the ball and get back to work.
- She picked up the ball where her predecessor left off.
#30. ⚾ Ball is in the air
Definition: The outcome or future is uncertain.
Phonetic Transcription: /bɔːl ɪz ɪn ði ɛər/
- The decision is still up in the air; we don’t know what will happen next.
- With the deal still in negotiations, everything is up in the air.
Collocations With BALL Table
Play ball | Drop the ball | Get the ball rolling |
Shoot the ball | Catch the ball | On the ball |
Kick the ball | Hold the ball | Lose the ball |
Throw the ball | Win the ball | Behind the ball |
Pass the ball | Bounce the ball | Keep your eye on the ball |
Hit the ball | Juggle the ball | Ball is in your court |
Dribble the ball | Pick up the ball | Ballpark figure |
Roll the ball | Drop a ball | Take your eye off the ball |
Catch a ball | Kick the ball | Out of left field |
Drop a ball | Keep the ball | New ball game |
Most Common Collocations With BALL Worksheet

Wrapping Up
Collocations with ball are numerous and versatile, reflecting the word’s extensive usage in both literal and metaphorical contexts. By understanding these 30 collocations, you can greatly enhance your English communication skills. Whether you’re discussing sports, handling responsibilities, or simply engaging in daily conversations, these expressions will help you sound more fluent and natural.
Remember, collocations are key to mastering any language. They allow you to use words in combinations that are familiar to native speakers, thereby improving your fluency and comprehension. As you practice using these collocations with “ball,” you’ll find that your ability to express ideas clearly and effectively improves.
So, keep practicing, and soon enough, these collocations will become a natural part of your English vocabulary. Don’t forget to like, share, and follow EnglEzz on social media for more tips and tricks on mastering English! 🌟
Happy learning! 😊
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