Indonesian proverbs offer deep insights into the nation’s rich cultural heritage, reflecting values, beliefs, and wisdom passed down through generations. In this post, we will explore 20 popular Indonesian proverbs, each translated into English, along with their original form in Bahasa Indonesia.
Table of Contents
- Best 20 Indonesian Proverbs in English with Examples
- #1. 🐢 “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”
- #2. 🌊 “Still Waters Run Deep”
- #3. 🌱 “As You Sow, So Shall You Reap”
- #4. 🐦 “A Bird in Hand is Worth Two in the Bush”
- #5. 🔥 “Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire”
- #6. 🍃 “Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover”
- #7. 🏠 “Charity Begins at Home”
- #8. 🌾 “Don’t Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch”
- #9. 🐘 “The Elephant in the Room”
- #10. 🌙 “Shoot for the Moon, Even if You Miss, You’ll Land Among the Stars”
- #11. 🦋 “A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss”
- #12. 🕊️ “The Early Bird Catches the Worm”
- #13. 🧠 “Knowledge is Power”
- #14. 🌲 “Better Late Than Never”
- #15. 🌍 “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”
- #16. 🎯 “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”
- #17. 🏞️ “Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You”
- #18. 🐂 “There’s No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk”
- #19. 🧱 “Brick by Brick”
- #20. 🌸 “Beauty is Only Skin Deep”
- Indonesian Proverbs in English Table
- Indonesian Proverbs in English Printable
- Conclusion
Best 20 Indonesian Proverbs in English with Examples
These sayings often carry moral lessons or practical advice that is universally relevant, making them a treasure trove of knowledge for both Indonesians and those interested in the culture. Translating these proverbs into English not only bridges the language barrier but also allows us to appreciate the universal truths they convey.
We will delve into their meanings, providing phonetic transcriptions to help with pronunciation, and offering examples of how they might be used in daily conversation. These proverbs serve as a window into the values and traditions that shape Indonesian society, offering lessons that can be applied in various aspects of life.
Whether you’re learning the language, exploring the culture, or simply interested in proverbial wisdom, this collection will provide valuable insights and practical applications for these timeless expressions.
#1. 🐢 “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”
Original Proverb: Biar lambat asal selamat
Phonetic Transcription: /bee-ar lahm-baht ah-sahl seh-lah-maht/
Explanation: This proverb emphasizes the importance of patience and persistence. It suggests that it’s better to proceed slowly and carefully to ensure success rather than rushing and risking failure.
Example 1: “Even though it took me longer to complete the project, I followed the principle of ‘slow and steady wins the race,’ and the outcome was excellent.
Example 2: “She might not be the fastest runner, but she believes in ‘slow and steady wins the race,’ and she always finishes strong.”
#2. 🌊 “Still Waters Run Deep”
Original Proverb: Air tenang menghanyutkan
Phonetic Transcription: /ai-yer tuh-nahng meng-han-yut-kan/
Explanation: This saying suggests that quiet or calm individuals often possess deep thoughts or emotions. It can also mean that something seemingly harmless may hide great danger.
Example 1: “He may not speak much, but remember, ‘still waters run deep.’ His ideas are profound.” Example 2: “Don’t underestimate her silence; ‘still waters run deep,’ and she has much to offer.”
#3. 🌱 “As You Sow, So Shall You Reap”
Original Proverb: Siapa menanam, dia menuai
Phonetic Transcription: /see-ah-pah men-ah-nahm dee-ah men-oo-eye/
Explanation: This proverb teaches that one’s actions have consequences. The effort or deeds you put into something will determine the results you get.
Example 1: “If you work hard now, you’ll succeed later. ‘As you sow, so shall you reap.'”
Example 2: “He faced the consequences of his choices because ‘as you sow, so shall you reap.'”
#4. 🐦 “A Bird in Hand is Worth Two in the Bush”
Original Proverb: Pucuk dicinta ulam pun tiba
Phonetic Transcription: /poo-chook dee-cheen-tah oo-lahm poon tee-bah/
Explanation: This proverb implies that it’s better to be content with what you have rather than risk it for something uncertain.
Example 1: “He decided to take the job offer instead of waiting for another opportunity. ‘A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.'”
Example 2: “She chose the guaranteed prize instead of gambling for more, understanding that ‘a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.'”
#5. 🔥 “Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire”
Original Proverb: Keluar dari mulut harimau, masuk ke mulut buaya
Phonetic Transcription: /kuh-loo-ar dah-ree moo-loot hah-ree-maow, mah-sook keh moo-loot boo-ah-yah/
Explanation: This saying warns against escaping one problem only to fall into a worse situation.
Example 1: “By quitting his job without a backup plan, he jumped ‘out of the frying pan into the fire.'” Example 2: “She left one bad relationship only to enter another, truly ‘out of the frying pan into the fire.'”

#6. 🍃 “Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover”
Original Proverb: Jangan menilai buku dari sampulnya
Phonetic Transcription: /jahng-ahn meh-nee-lie boo-koo dah-ree sahm-pool-nya/
Explanation: This proverb advises against forming opinions based solely on appearances. It encourages looking deeper to understand the true nature of something or someone.
Example 1: “He seemed unfriendly at first, but ‘don’t judge a book by its cover.’ He’s actually very kind.” Example 2: “The restaurant doesn’t look fancy, but ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’—the food is excellent.”
#7. 🏠 “Charity Begins at Home”
Original Proverb: Kasih sayang dimulai dari keluarga
Phonetic Transcription: /kah-see sah-yahng dee-moo-lie dah-ree koo-lah-war-gah/
Explanation: This proverb suggests that one should first take care of their family before helping others.
Example 1: “She always supports her family first, believing ‘charity begins at home.'”
Example 2: “He donates to many causes but remembers that ‘charity begins at home.'”
#8. 🌾 “Don’t Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch”
Original Proverb: Jangan menghitung anak ayam sebelum menetas
Phonetic Transcription: /jahng-ahn meng-hee-toong ah-nahk ah-yahm seh-boo-loom meh-neh-tahs/
Explanation: This saying advises against assuming success or outcomes before they actually happen.
Example 1: “They planned a celebration before the deal was signed, but ‘don’t count your chickens before they hatch.'”
Example 2: “She was confident she’d win the contest, but her mother reminded her ‘don’t count your chickens before they hatch.'”
#9. 🐘 “The Elephant in the Room”
Original Proverb: Gajah di pelupuk mata tak nampak, kuman di seberang lautan nampak
Phonetic Transcription: /gah-jah dee puh-loo-pook mah-tah tahk nahm-pahk, koo-mahn dee seh-beh-rahng laow-tahn nahm-pahk/
Explanation: This proverb means ignoring an obvious problem while focusing on something trivial. It highlights the human tendency to overlook significant issues in favor of minor ones.
Example 1: “Everyone talked about the minor errors, ignoring ‘the elephant in the room.'”
Example 2: “They were focused on small details, missing ‘the elephant in the room.'”
#10. 🌙 “Shoot for the Moon, Even if You Miss, You’ll Land Among the Stars”
Original Proverb: Meraih bintang di langit
Phonetic Transcription: /meh-rah-ih bin-tahng dee lahng-eet/
Explanation: This saying encourages aiming high and striving for greatness, even if you fall short, you will still achieve something significant.
Example 1: “He set his goals high, knowing that ‘shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.'”
Example 2: “She dreams big, inspired by ‘shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.'”
#11. 🦋 “A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss”
Original Proverb: Batu yang bergulir tidak berlumut
Phonetic Transcription: /bah-too yahng ber-goo-leer tee-dahk ber-loo-moot/
Explanation: This proverb suggests that staying active and avoiding stagnation prevents problems or difficulties from accumulating.
Example 1: “He keeps moving and learning new things because ‘a rolling stone gathers no moss.'” Example 2: “She travels frequently, believing ‘a rolling stone gathers no moss.'”
#12. 🕊️ “The Early Bird Catches the Worm”
Original Proverb: Siapa cepat dia dapat
Phonetic Transcription: /see-ah-pah che-pat dee-ah dah-paht/
Explanation: This proverb highlights the advantages of being prompt or proactive. Early action often leads to success.
Example 1: “He arrived early to secure the best spot because ‘the early bird catches the worm.'”
Example 2: “She submitted her application first, understanding that ‘the early bird catches the worm.'”
#13. 🧠 “Knowledge is Power”
Original Proverb: *
Ilmu itu kekuatan*
Phonetic Transcription: /eel-moo ee-too keh-koo-ah-tahn/
Explanation: This saying emphasizes the importance of knowledge as a means to achieve success, influence, or control.
Example 1: “He reads every day because he believes ‘knowledge is power.'”
Example 2: “She studies hard, knowing that ‘knowledge is power.'”
#14. 🌲 “Better Late Than Never”
Original Proverb: Lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali
Phonetic Transcription: /leh-bee bah-eek ter-lahm-baht dah-ree-pah-dah tee-dahk sah-mah seh-kah-lee/
Explanation: This proverb suggests that it’s better to accomplish something late than not at all.
Example 1: “He finished the project a day late, but ‘better late than never.'”
Example 2: “She finally apologized, proving ‘better late than never.'”
#15. 🌍 “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”
Original Proverb: Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh
Phonetic Transcription: /ber-sah-too kee-tah teh-goo, ber-cheh-rai kee-tah roon-too/
Explanation: This saying emphasizes the strength found in unity and the vulnerability in division.
Example 1: “The team worked together, knowing ‘united we stand, divided we fall.'”
Example 2: “They solved the problem by collaborating because ‘united we stand, divided we fall.'”
#16. 🎯 “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”
Original Proverb: Perbuatan lebih penting daripada perkataan
Phonetic Transcription: /per-boo-ah-tahn leh-bee pen-teeng dah-ree-pah dah per-kah-tah-ahn/
Explanation: This proverb suggests that what you do is more important than what you say.
Example 1: “He didn’t just promise to help; he showed up and worked hard, proving ‘actions speak louder than words.'”
Example 2: “She made sure her actions matched her promises because ‘actions speak louder than words.'”
#17. 🏞️ “Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You”
Original Proverb: Jangan menggigit tangan yang memberi makan
Phonetic Transcription: /jahng-ahn meng-gee-geet tahng-ahn yahng mem-be-ree mah-kahn/
Explanation: This saying advises against being ungrateful or harming those who help you.
Example 1: “He remained loyal to his mentor, understanding ‘don’t bite the hand that feeds you.'” Example 2: “She knew better than to criticize her sponsor, remembering ‘don’t bite the hand that feeds you.'”
#18. 🐂 “There’s No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk”
Original Proverb: Nasi sudah menjadi bubur
Phonetic Transcription: /nah-see soo-dah men-jah-dee boo-boor/
Explanation: This proverb advises against worrying about things that have already happened and cannot be changed.
Example 1: “After the mistake was made, he realized ‘there’s no use crying over spilt milk.'”
Example 2: “She accepted the situation, knowing ‘there’s no use crying over spilt milk.'”
#19. 🧱 “Brick by Brick”
Original Proverb: Sedikit demi sedikit, lama-lama menjadi bukit
Phonetic Transcription: /seh-dee-keet deh-mee seh-dee-keet, lah-mah lah-mah men-jah-dee boo-keet/
Explanation: This saying highlights the value of patience and steady progress. Small efforts add up over time to achieve something significant.
Example 1: “He built his business slowly, ‘brick by brick,’ until it became successful.”
Example 2: “She saved money gradually, understanding ‘brick by brick’ leads to wealth.”
#20. 🌸 “Beauty is Only Skin Deep”
Original Proverb: Cantik itu hanya di permukaan
Phonetic Transcription: /chan-teek ee-too hahn-yah dee per-moo-kah-ahn/
Explanation: This proverb reminds us that physical beauty is superficial and that inner qualities are more important.
Example 1: “She’s attractive, but he knows ‘beauty is only skin deep,’ and values her kindness more.” Example 2: “He never judges by appearance alone, believing ‘beauty is only skin deep.'”
Indonesian Proverbs in English Table
“Slow and Steady Wins the Race” | “A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss” |
“Still Waters Run Deep” | “The Early Bird Catches the Worm” |
“As You Sow, So Shall You Reap” | “Knowledge is Power” |
“A Bird in Hand is Worth Two in the Bush” | “Better Late Than Never” |
“Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire” | “United We Stand, Divided We Fall” |
“Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover” | “Actions Speak Louder Than Words” |
“Charity Begins at Home” | “Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You” |
“Don’t Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch” | “There’s No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk” |
“The Elephant in the Room” | “Brick by Brick” |
“Shoot for the Moon, Even if You Miss, You’ll Land Among the Stars” | “Beauty is Only Skin Deep” |
Indonesian Proverbs in English Printable

Indonesian proverbs carry profound wisdom and cultural significance, offering life lessons that are both timeless and universally relevant. By understanding these sayings, we gain insight into the values and traditions that shape Indonesian society. Translating these proverbs into English not only makes them accessible to a broader audience but also highlights the universal truths they encapsulate.
As we’ve explored in this post, each proverb conveys a lesson that can be applied to various aspects of life, from patience and persistence to the importance of unity and gratitude. These expressions serve as reminders of the shared human experience, where wisdom and knowledge transcend linguistic and cultural boundaries.
Incorporating these proverbs into daily life can enrich our understanding of the world and provide guidance in navigating life’s challenges. Whether you’re a language learner, a cultural enthusiast, or simply someone seeking inspiration, these proverbs offer valuable insights that resonate across cultures.
Discover the rich wisdom of Indonesian culture with our latest post on EnglEzz! 🌏✨ Dive into 20 translated proverbs that reveal timeless truths and practical lessons. From patience to unity, find out how these proverbs can inspire and guide you. Don’t forget to follow and like us for more insightful content! 👍📚
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