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Classroom Rules And Routines For ESL Teachers

Classroom Rules for EFL / ESL Classes In English With Printables


The article will talk about the importance of having classroom rules and routines. The importance of classroom routines has been emphasized many times over the years, with research showing that they are crucial to a child’s success in school.

ESL Teacher Classroom Management – EnglEzz

Teachers have come to understand that children learn best when they are comfortable and feel safe, so the most important part of fostering this environment is setting up clear rules and expectations for students to follow, which can be done through establishing rituals or routines. These rules will help maintain order in the classroom without forcing the teacher to constantly monitor student behavior.

Classroom Rules:

Teaching in a classroom can be challenging to say the least. Teachers have to deal with many different personalities, many of which are not used to being told what to do. And that’s just the students! Teaching is often a thankless job, but there are some simple steps you can take to make your life easier.

One of these ways is by establishing classroom rules and routines. This article will go over some of the most common ones for elementary school classrooms.

Classroom Rules Examples

Classroom rules and routines are important because they help teachers keep order and teach their lessons effectively. They also allow children to learn how to behave appropriately in class. Here are some examples:

Classroom Rules And Routines FLashcards 1
  • Ask questions Ask questions in class to keep the children informed. This helps the teacher make sure that they are listening carefully and will be able to answer any questions that come up.
  • Respect and listen to your classmates. Respect your classmates and listen to them. This is especially important in elementary school children because they are still learning how to be respectful and listen to instructions.
  • Keep your hands to yourself. Keep your hands off of other students’ things, including their desks, backpacks, and pencils.
  • Table of English Tenses with Rules and Examples
  • Respect and listen to the teacher. Children are learning to respect teachers as they grow older. By listening to them, children will become more respectful adults that can listen to others.
  • Follow directions Follow all of the class rules and instructions.
  • Raise your hand to speak when you need to ask a question or make a comment.
  • Listen attentively to what the teacher and others are saying.
  • Use your hands appropriately: respect other students, teachers, and people in general.
  • Use good manners.
  • Be respectful.
  • Be kind and helpful.
  • Be a team player and be respectful to others, especially your teachers and other students.
  • Do not talk or laugh out loud in class.
  • Be a good sport when you lose at something. Don’t be mad and find ways to improve your game next time.

Classroom Rules And Routines FLashcards 2
  • Use healthy eating practices. Eat your meals and snacks at a table. Eat your meals and snacks at a table, not on the floor. Use proper utensils (fork, spoon).
  • Drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
  • Be prepared for class. Bring your book and your homework sheet.
  • Take notes in class because you will need to refer back to them later on.
  • Bring a water bottle and fill it up before class begins.
  • Be quiet when the teacher is talking. Don’t text, talk to your friends or doodle.
  • Don’t check your phone during class because it distracts you from learning.
  • Be quiet when classmates are talking. Don’t talk to them or write on your papers.
  • Don’t talk during class because it distracts you from learning.
  • Don’t eat in class because it distracts you from learning.

Classroom Rules And Routines FLashcards 3

Classroom Rules Animated Video

Classroom Rules for EFL / ESL Classes In English With Printables

The Teacher’s Role:

The teacher’s role is to be clear about what he or she wants students to do. If this isn’t done properly, then it becomes difficult for them to follow directions. It may seem like an easy task, but if not done correctly, it could lead to chaos. For example, if the teacher says “sit down,” but doesn’t specify where then students might sit anywhere. This can cause problems when there are other people around who don’t want a student sitting on top of them. Teachers should make sure that all instructions are given clearly so that everyone knows exactly what needs to happen next.

Rules, Routines, And Expectations:

These three elements are key to creating an orderly classroom environment. Rules help keep order by setting boundaries between different areas in the room. Routine helps teachers know how long each activity will take because they have already planned out their lesson plans ahead of time. Expectations give students clear guidelines about what is expected from them during class or at home.

Effective Routines:

The routine should be short and simple so that students can remember them easily. It’s important for a teacher to make sure all activities follow this same routine every day. For example, if you teach math lessons on Monday through Thursday, then your math homework must also be completed on Mondays through Thursdays. If not, it may cause confusion among students who are used to completing assignments according to these specific days. Students need consistency when learning new skills. This way, they won’t forget what was taught before.

Classroom Rules And Consequences

What happens if we break a rule, and what does it say about us? When I first started teaching in my school district, I had no idea how strict teachers were with their rules. One of our principal’s main goals is to keep order within the classroom. He wants his students to know exactly where they stand at any given time. It helps him monitor them better. In addition, he knows that breaking a rule can have serious repercussions for you as an educator.

For example: “If your student breaks one of your rules, then you will be held accountable.” You could lose points on your evaluation or even get fired!


All in all, even though it may seem like a small thing, developing a set of classroom rules and routines is important to ensure that students are on the same page and can feel safe in their environment. In order to establish a sense of safety in the classroom, it is important to develop a set of rules and routines. Establishing this will allow for all students to be on the same page and comfortable within their surroundings and learning environment.

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Ezzeddine Yahyaoui

A Senior teacher who is passionate about making lessons your students love and that are easy to implement for teachers. Teaching you how to navigate your way through balanced literacy brings me joy. My desire is to give you the tools needed to move your students forward! I have been creating high quality educational resources, tech tutorials, entertainment and training sessions and serving education & learning since 2009.


  1. Teachers of English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL) often need to establish classroom rules. These rules can help to create a positive, orderly, and productive learning environment. ????
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