English Conversation At The Bank Expressions
If you are living in an English-speaking country, then you have to withdraw or deposit money in one of the banks. Thus, you will need to learn some of the common expressions that are required whether to ask or answer questions at banks or post offices. All along with some technical terms that we explain in the video below.
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At The Bank – English Basic Communication
In today’s post we will learn some of the most common phrases that English learners need when you want to create a bank account for example or dealing with the officers there.
If you are a beginner in English learning, then these expressions will certainly help you carry or accomplish the financial actions that could take place in a bank and speak confidently with bank agents.
Now it’s time to let you with this interactive course in the video below. Here you can listen, repeat and practice simpler answers to tell the different phrases to express agreement in English. ????????
كلمات مفيدة للتحدث عن المعاملات المصرفية باللغة الإنجليزية
Sample Of English Expressions At The Bank:
- I would like to open a bank account, Sir.
- I would like to deposit £500, please.
- I would like to withdraw £1200.
- How much is the interest rate in your savings?
- I would like to transfer some money to my daughter’s account.
- I would like to exchange some money.
- Can I see your ID please?
Sample Of English Conversation At The Bank:
The link to expressing agreement and disagreement in English worksheets, activities and games for beginners will be available here soon. This vocabulary lesson is targeted to the intermediate to build their basic vocabulary in English and help them speak confidently.
كلمات مفيدة للتحدث عن المعاملات المصرفية باللغة الإنجليزية معظمنا يحتاج لحساب بنكي أو حساب في جمعية
تعلم اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين حتى الاحتراف. كلمات مفيدة للتحدث عن المعاملات المصرفية باللغة الإنجليزية.دروس في المحادثة: معاملات مصرفية.(y) 😉 Gb