Speaking Lesson: Expressing Agreement In English

Table of Contents
Are you intending to start a conversation or debate? then surely you will need to use expressions of agreement and disagreement as we all have different view points on the various topics. In today’s post we will learn some of the most common phrases that English learners need when you want to express agreement. That’s to say, intend to you share the same opinion or you accept some requests or permissions. ????????
Conversation Skills: Expressing Agreement
If you are a beginner in English learning, then these expressions will certainly help you share your thoughts and opinions in the tackled issues.
Now it’s time to let you with this interactive course in the video below. Here you can listen, repeat and practice simpler answers to tell the different phrases to express agreement in English. ????????
تعلم اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين حتى الاحتراف: مفردات التعبير عن الموافقة بالإنجليزية
Examples Of Expressing Agreement Phrases:
- That’s absolutely true! …
- I totally agree with you.
- I could not agree more.
- I go along with you on that.
- I was just going to say that.
- I guess you could be right.
The link to expressing agreement and disagreement in English worksheets, activities and games for beginners will be available here soon. This vocabulary lesson is targeted to the beginners and intermediate to build their basic vocabulary in English and help them speak confidently.
هناك العديد من العبارات الإنجليزية التي بإستخدامها تستطيع التعبير عن موافقتك على امر ما وتأكيدك له او للتعبير عن العكس تماما وهو عدم الموافقة او الاختلاف الكلي او الجزئي مع الأمر..
Do you have an opinion?
Want to express yourself?
Need to tell someone that they are wrong?
Watch this lesson to improve your conversational skills. 🙂