Table of Contents
Talking About Health and Illness – Basic English Speaking
In our lesson that aims at beginners and intermediate students, we will focus on the most important vocabulary items that you may need when having a conversation with a doctor or talking about health in general in English.
So,if you are planning to see a doctor soon, then go through our list of lexis to express yourself properly at the physician’s office.
Talking About Health ESL Vocabulary Worksheets
You can learn some examples through our interactive course in the video below. Here you can listen, repeat and simply practice some of the most common ESL / EFL expressions and phrases used to talk about health and diseases.
Health Expressions and Phrases with Arabic Translation:
دروس في اللغة الإنجليزية: مصطلحات ومفردات إنجليزية للحديث عن الصحة
- Fever = حمى
- Headache = آلام في الرأس
- Backache = آلام في الظهر
- Pills = أقراص أدوية
- Stomach ache = آلام في البطن
- Eye ache = آلام في العين
- Toothache = آلام الأسنان
- Flu / Influenza = زكام
- Prescription = وصفة الطبيب
- Treatment = علاج
- Recover = شفاء
- Pharmacy = صيدلية
- Doctor = طبيب
- Patient = مريض
- Nurse = ممرضة أو ممرض
- Medical Operation = عملية طبية
- Hospital = مستشفى
- Hospitalization = الإبقاء على المريض بالمستشفى
- Clinic = المصحة
- Drug = الدواء
- Break My Arm = كسرت ذراعي
- Wound = جرح
- Urgency = حالة إستعجالية
- Germs = الجراثيم
- Health Problems = مشاكل صحية
- Hygiene = النظافة
- Infection = عدوى
- Sickness / Illness = مرض
- Sanitation = الصحة العامة

Now! You are able to talk about health in English. Congratulations and keep practicing for better mastery. Thanks for your attention. Hope you liked the lesson and see you again in an other English lesson in our coming courses. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletters to receive new tips right to you inbox.
Health and illness: worksheets, pdf exercises and handouts.
English vocabulary resources elementary and intermediate level: illness, sickness, injuries, aches …
مفردات علم الصحة العامة في اللغة الانجليزية – تعلم الانجليزية