learn English vocabulary online course. Enrich your English vocabulary level in a fun way with EnglEzz free online courses.
30 Most Common Animal Idioms with Meanings and Examples
Do you ever feel like someone is “pulling your leg” or that a situation is “a piece of cake”? Did you know that these phrases actually have roots in the animal kingdom? Animal idioms are a fascinating aspect of language,…
30 Color Idioms with Meanings and Examples
Color idioms are a vibrant and fascinating aspect of language that adds splashes of vivid imagery to our everyday conversations. From feeling green with envy to painting the town red, these expressions add a spectrum of emotions and experiences to…
30 Common Phrasal Verbs with Examples, Synonyms and Definitions
Are you tired of feeling perplexed by phrasal verbs? Do you find yourself struggling to grasp the meaning behind these tricky linguistic combinations? Well, fear not! In this comprehensive article, we are going to delve into the world of common…
50+ Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person with Examples
Have you ever struggled to find the right words to express someone’s outstanding qualities? Whether it’s a friend, family member, colleague, or even yourself, we often find ourselves reaching for the same old adjectives. But fear not! In this article,…
50+ Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person with Examples
Are you tired of using the same old negative adjectives to describe a person? Have you ever struggled to find the perfect word to capture that frustrating or unpleasant behavior in another person? Look no further! In this article, we’re…
5 Best Ice cream Matching Activity Free Printables For Kids
Ice cream is a fun and delicious treat that everyone loves! And what better way to enjoy it than with some free printable ice cream matching activity worksheets? These activity sheets are perfect for kids of all ages, from preschoolers…
تحميل تلخيص جميع المفردات الأساسية للغة الإنجليزية للبرنامج الرسمي للباكالوريا
English vocabulary List with Translation For BAC مرحبا بكم من جديد طلابنا الأعزاء ومتابعينا الكرام. في مقالنا هذا سنوفر لكم قائمة معدة من أساتذة متخصصين بكل عناية ودقة وهي ضمن ملخص مادة اللغة الانجليزية لبكالوريا. القائمة…
طريقة سحرية لحفظ 100 كلمة إنجليزية في اليوم أو أي لغة أجنبية بسرعة وسهولة
How to Memorize English Words Faster يشتكي العديد من متعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية من الصعوبات التي يواجهونها خاصة عند التعبير الشفوي أو الكتابي. وفي الحقيقة يرجع هذا الإشكال إلى ضعف الزاد اللغوي للمتعلم واقتصاره على عدد محدود جدا…
Airport Check In ESL Vocabulary With Worksheets
Airport check-in ESL Vocabulary Worksheets Travelers are some of the most people who need language learning. They are in constant contact with foreign people, hence they need to have short conversations in order to get to reach their destinations or…
Asking and Giving Directions ESL Conversation
Asking and Giving Directions ESL Conversation Are planning to visit an English-speaking city or country, then you should think of carrying a map. But most of all, you should learn the expressions that you should use in order to…