Learn English

Our free resources are designed to help students learn English quickly and effectively. We have lessons for all levels, from beginner to advanced, as well as quizzes, exercises, and audio files.

  • virtual school advantages and disadvantages

    What Makes Virtual Schools So Tempting

      What Makes Virtual Schools So Tempting for Teens? As technology advances, a new kind of literacy has emerged: e-learning – also known as virtual schools. It dates back to January 2006, Shan Jayran and her husband John Davies opened…

  • submit-your-homework-or-project

    Submit Your Homework Or Project Online

    The free service of ” submit your homework or project ” is exclusively offered to EnglEzz students. This is a follow-up and a way to submit the required assignments online. 📌📚 Explore the world of learning English with EnglEzz! 🌐✨…

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