Collocations are combinations of words that frequently appear together, forming natural-sounding phrases. Understanding and using collocations can significantly enhance your language skills, making your speech and writing more fluent and accurate. In this blog post, we will explore 30 common collocations with save.
Table of Contents
- 30 Most Common Collocations with Save 💰 Boost Your Vocabulary
- #1. Save Time ⏳
- #2. Save Money 💵
- #3. Save Energy ⚡
- #4. Save Lives ❤️
- #5. Save Data 💾
- #6. Save Face 😌
- #7. Save for a Rainy Day ☔
- #8. Save Space 🗄️
- #9. Save the Day 🌟
- #10. Save the Environment 🌍
- #11. Save Your Breath 😶
- #12. Save the Best for Last 🥇
- #13. Save Someone’s Bacon 🥓
- #14. Save the Planet 🌱
- #15. Save as Draft 📄
- #16. Save on Fuel ⛽
- #17. Save the Trouble 😓
- #18. Save the Receipt 🧾
- #19. Save the Best Bits 🍫
- #20. Save the Date 📅
- #21. Save a Seat 💺
- #22. Save a Copy 📑
- #23. Save the Dishes 🍽️
- #24. Save the Memory 📸
- #25. Save the Date 📅
- #26. Save a Backup 🔄
- #28. Save the World 🌏
- #29. Save the Day 🌟
- #30. Save Yourself the Trouble 😓
- Conclusion
30 Most Common Collocations with Save 💰 Boost Your Vocabulary
Each collocation will be accompanied by a definition, phonetic transcription, and two example sentences to help you understand and use them effectively. Whether you’re preparing for exams, writing content, or improving your daily communication, mastering these collocations will give you a linguistic edge. Let’s dive into the world of collocations and see how “save” can be paired with various words to convey precise meanings.
#1. Save Time ⏳
Definition: To avoid wasting time; to be efficient.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv taɪm/
- Using a dishwasher can save time compared to washing dishes by hand.
- Planning your day in advance helps save time.
#2. Save Money 💵
Definition: To reduce expenses; to avoid spending money unnecessarily.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ˈmʌni/
- You can save money by shopping during sales.
- Switching to energy-efficient appliances can save money on utility bills.
#3. Save Energy ⚡
Definition: To reduce the amount of energy used.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ˈɛnərdʒi/
- Turning off lights when you leave a room helps save energy.
- Insulating your home can save energy during winter and summer.
#4. Save Lives ❤️
Definition: To prevent death; to rescue from danger.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv laɪvz/
- Emergency responders work tirelessly to save lives.
- Donating blood can help save lives.
#5. Save Data 💾
Definition: To store digital information securely.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ˈdeɪtə/
- Remember to save data regularly to avoid losing your work.
- Cloud storage services are a great way to save data.
#6. Save Face 😌
Definition: To avoid humiliation; to preserve one’s dignity.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv feɪs/
- He apologized to save face after the argument.
- The company issued a statement to save face after the scandal.
#7. Save for a Rainy Day ☔
Definition: To put aside money for future unexpected expenses.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv fɔr ə ˈreɪni deɪ/
- It’s wise to save for a rainy day in case of emergencies.
- They decided to save for a rainy day instead of spending their bonus.
#8. Save Space 🗄️
Definition: To use less physical area; to avoid clutter.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv speɪs/
- Vacuum bags help save space in your closet.
- Digitizing documents can save space in your office.
#9. Save the Day 🌟
Definition: To prevent a disaster or solve a problem just in time.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ðə deɪ/
- The IT technician managed to save the day by fixing the server issue.
- Her quick thinking saved the day during the presentation.

#10. Save the Environment 🌍
Definition: To protect the natural world from harm.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ði ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/
- Recycling is one way to save the environment.
- Using public transportation can help save the environment by reducing pollution.
#11. Save Your Breath 😶
Definition: To refrain from speaking because it won’t have any effect.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv jʊr brɛθ/
- You can save your breath; he won’t change his mind.
- I decided to save my breath and not argue with her.
#12. Save the Best for Last 🥇
Definition: To reserve the most enjoyable part until the end.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ðə bɛst fɔr læst/
- She always saves the best for last when telling a story.
- Let’s save the best for last and open this gift at the end.
#13. Save Someone’s Bacon 🥓
Definition: To rescue someone from trouble or danger.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ˈsʌmwʌnz ˈbeɪkən/
- His quick thinking saved my bacon during the meeting.
- The backup system saved our bacon when the main server crashed.
#14. Save the Planet 🌱
Definition: To protect Earth from environmental damage.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ðə ˈplænɪt/
- Small actions like recycling can help save the planet.
- Reducing plastic use is crucial to save the planet.
#15. Save as Draft 📄
Definition: To store a document or email temporarily for later editing.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv æz dræft/
- Save your work as a draft to review it later.
- She decided to save the email as a draft before sending it.
#16. Save on Fuel ⛽
Definition: To reduce the amount of fuel used.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ɑn fjuːl/
- Carpooling can help you save on fuel costs.
- Driving efficiently will save on fuel.
#17. Save the Trouble 😓
Definition: To prevent inconvenience or effort.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ðə ˈtrʌbəl/
- I’ll save you the trouble and do it myself.
- To save the trouble, she called ahead to confirm the reservation.
#18. Save the Receipt 🧾
Definition: To keep a proof of purchase.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ðə rɪˈsiːt/
- Always save the receipt in case you need to return something.
- She saved the receipt for her business expenses.
#19. Save the Best Bits 🍫
Definition: To reserve the most enjoyable parts.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ðə bɛst bɪts/
- He saved the best bits of the cake for himself.
- Let’s save the best bits of the trip for last.
#20. Save the Date 📅
Definition: To mark a specific date for an event in advance.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ðə deɪt/
- Save the date for our wedding in June.
- They sent out cards to save the date for their anniversary party.
#21. Save a Seat 💺
Definition: To reserve a place for someone to sit.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ə siːt/
- Can you save a seat for me at the movie?
- She saved a seat for her friend at the seminar.
#22. Save a Copy 📑
Definition: To keep an extra version of a document.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ə ˈkɑpi/
- Always save a copy of your important files.
- He saved a copy of the contract for his records.
#23. Save the Dishes 🍽️
Definition: To keep dishes clean or avoid using them unnecessarily.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ðə ˈdɪʃɪz/
- Let’s save the dishes and use paper plates tonight.
- She saved the dishes by ordering takeout.
#24. Save the Memory 📸
Definition: To preserve a moment or experience.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ðə ˈmɛməri/
- Taking pictures helps save the memory of special events.
- They saved the memory of their trip with a photo album.
#25. Save the Date 📅
Definition: To mark a specific date for an event in advance.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ðə deɪt/
- Save the date for our wedding in June.
- They sent out cards to save the date for their anniversary party.
#26. Save a Backup 🔄
Definition: To create an additional copy of data for security.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ə ˈbækˌʌp/
- Always save a backup of important documents.
- He saved a backup on an external hard drive.
#27. Save Grace 🙏
Definition: To preserve one’s reputation or dignity.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv greɪs/
- She managed to save grace by admitting her mistake.
- The company saved grace by handling the crisis effectively.
#28. Save the World 🌏
Definition: To make significant efforts to improve global conditions.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ðə wɜːrld/
- Many young activists are working hard to save the world.
- Innovative technologies can help save the world from climate change.
#29. Save the Day 🌟
Definition: To prevent a disaster or solve a problem just in time.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv ðə deɪ/
- The IT technician managed to save the day by fixing the server issue.
- Her quick thinking saved the day during the presentation.
#30. Save Yourself the Trouble 😓
Definition: To avoid unnecessary effort or hassle.
Phonetic Transcription: /seɪv jɔːrˈsɛlf ðə ˈtrʌbəl/
- Save yourself the trouble and take a cab instead of walking.
- He saved himself the trouble by ordering online.

Mastering collocations with “save” can greatly improve your English fluency and precision. By incorporating these common collocations into your vocabulary, you can express yourself more naturally and effectively in both written and spoken contexts.
Remember, practice makes perfect. Try using these collocations in your daily conversations and writing to become more familiar with them. Whether you’re looking to save time, money, or energy, these phrases will come in handy and make your communication smoother.
Keep practicing, and you’ll notice the difference in your language skills.
Happy learning!